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Participation at the Built4People 2nd Clustering Event

On November 19th, DeCO2 was represented at the 2nd Build4People Clustering Event by the coordinator Filippos Anagnostopoulos from IEECP.

The event brought together representatives of the 30 projects funded to date as part of the Built4People (B4P) Co-programmed Public Private Partnership under the “Efficient, sustainable and inclusive energy use”, part of the Horizon Europe Work Programmes for Climate, Energy and Mobility.

DeCO2 exchanged closely with specific projects working on digital solutions, namely EBENTO, FORTESIE, EVELIXIA, WeForming, DATAWISE, WILSON, and SIRCULAR. Many discussions about potential technical synergies and collaborations were initiated, aiming to create impactful actions during and after project implementation.

We are especially grateful to CINEA and the B4P-supportive projects NEBULA and STAR*Track, and excited to learn more how the B4P partnership has launched a network of innovation clusters with the aim to promote sustainable innovation and help achieve EU climate targets for the building stock.

The presentations and pictures of the event will be made publicly available on B4P website in the coming weeks.

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